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Napoleon who?

In the northern Israeli coastal plain, in a land of dispute, endless wars, historical treasures, and revolutionary archeological findings, there’s Acre.
The earliest remains date to about 3000 BC, and since then, everyone way here: Israelites, Persians, Antiochus III and Antiochus IV, the Maccabees, the Romans, Luke the Evangelist, Paul the Apostle, the Crusades, and many other big names during 5000 years of documented history.

In present-day Israel, despite unconventional news outlets’ claims of an apartheid state, the population of Acre consists of Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Baháʼís, without separations or distinguish.

The tourist destination restaurants and markets are situated in the old city, which was built layers-on-layers for thousands of years. In walking distance from the parking lot and at the center of this ancient-modern Arab-Israeli culture clash, a modern-day traveler can eat, drink, shop, and experience a unique multi-scenes adventure. 

Locals welcome anyone willing to listen to the city’s story to their Musques. Hesitant at first, being a Jewish-Israeli woman, the kind gentleman kindly asked me at the garden entrance to cover my shoulders before entering the secret and beautiful Al-Jazzar Mosque.
The locals tell stories of a walled city that was conquered and freed so many times it’s challenging to follow, but the numerous monuments leave their clues as you walk by churches, Turkish baths, Fortresses, and tunnels.

In 1799 the great Napoleon failed to reduce the fortress of Acre, and until today, the people of Acre believe in the invincible strength of the 5 thousand years old city.

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