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Article By Gili Biegun

Photos By Guilherme Tominaga 

Video By Gili Biegun


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Budapest Central European Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2022

The first post-pandemic physical and international runways for Budapest Central European Fashion Week took place in Bálna Budapest from the 16th to the 17th of October, featuring 34 local and international designers.

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The top 4:

The best SS22 collection from BCEFW SS22
Aeron, NUBU, Abodi and Kata Szegedi presented their Spring/Summer collections during Budapest Central European Fashion Week in a collaboration of The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA) and Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (CNMI).


Creative director and designer Eszter Áron created a high-quality, long-lasting collection made in Budapest with a sustainable point of view.

The Spring Summer 2022 collection features minimal and all essential items produced with sustainable materials such as recovered leather from the food industry and sustainably dyed knitwear.

The Aeron's ''A'' in metallic gold is used as a buckle, handle, and other decorative in many pieces and accessories of the collection. 

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Mero, Sentiments and The Four Spring/Summer 2022 collections during Budapest Central European Fashion Week photographed by Guilherme Tominaga 



Loose and comfortable in fresh materials, NUBU spring-summer 2022 collection is inspired by the white ceramics of artist Simon Zsolt József.  The printed fabrics, textures, and shapes reflect the artist's vision for his art pieces forming the body and creating the structure from Simon's artwork.


Taking a minimal and sophisticated approach for Spring/Summer 2022, creative director Dora Abodi, evolving her style to a wearable yet full of statements collection. 
Shells and creatures from the Transylvanian folk tradition repeated as a motive representing Abodi's childhood memories. Abodi used her background to create timeless yet modern statement wear that translates well to different body types, day-night, spring, and summer.

Kata Szegedi

Inspired by  Pablo Palazuelo masterpieces, creative directors Kata Szegedi and Daniel Benus, created a Spring/Summer collection of asymmetry through interlocking seams and cuts. 

Silver sequins, upcycled denim (in collaboration with Levi's), tailored blazers, and streetwear created a versatile collection that walks hand-in-hand with the brand's point of view. 

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@bcefw @hfdagency 

#bcefw #bcefwss22

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