Captured on Polaroid By Gili Biegun
Sì, Siena

A tourist trap or Authenticity beyond our understanding?
Famous for its Palio and Contrade, situated in the heart of Tuscany, and a hidden medieval gem, Siena has always been an option.
"if we will have extra time between Rome and Florence," ambitious tourists said while hoping to hit all major Italian traditions in 10 days.

Time worth spending:
how long is too long, and why should you spend a month in Siena.
Siena's Duomo and its remarkable marble floors are an architectural marvel; Piazza del Campo and Pallazzo Publico are a must, but how much medieval architecture can you see before you start wondering about lunch?
History, art, and architecture lovers can spend a year in Siena, discovering the hidden and unpublished structures of the city and not seeing it all. The Civic Museum of Siena, Teatro dei Rinnovati , The State Archives (inside the historic Palazzo Piccolomini) thats has an exhibition of the Tavolette di Biccherna, Boccaccio’s testament, the ancient Costituto del Comune di Siena, Santa Maria della Scala and the lay confraternities, e Accademia Musicale Chigiana, and so much more.

In a town where time stood still, locals developed, adopted, and evolved a unique point of view on art, architecture, and cuisine. So if it's food and wine you are after- Siena is the perfect city to spend a week exploring what Pici is all about.
Restaurant Osteria Le Logge
Via del Porrione, 33, 53100
Phone: (+39) 0577 48013
Osteria Il Grattacielo
Via dei Pontani, 8 corner of, Via dei Termini,
Phone: (+39) 331 742 2835
Grand Hotel Continental: Sapordivino
Via Banchi di Sopra, 85, 53100 Siena
Osteria San Desiderio
Piazza L. Bonelli, 2, 53100 Siena
phone: (+39) 0577 286091

Palio may come and go, But Contrade are forever.
While the Palio was canceled for the past year due to the world's health crisis, the Contrade communities' activities are more vital than ever. And it has absolutely nothing to do with tourism. These authentic acts of community and the love of its people to their hometown is an experience worth having.
The Palio is expected to come back to Siena in the summer of 2022; it is recommended to (try) book accommodation and entrance now.
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